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bet8体育娱乐入口(ODU)是一所综合性大学, 多元文化的, 以学生为中心的住宿大学享有巨大的优势,其独特的沿海位置毗邻主要的海上和军事设施,并且很容易到达国家首都. 大都会汉普顿路的地理位置为许多ODU的学术和RESEARCH追求提供了丰富的生活实验室, 包括环境, 海洋, and natural sciences and engineering associated with the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. 该地区拥有广泛而全面的公共教育体系和几所Community学院和大学, ODU与之有长期和强有力的合作关系. ODU与一系列重要的地方和联邦政府设施和组织的共同定位为互利的伙伴关系提供了机会, 比如杰斐逊国家实验室, 美国国家航空航天局兰利, 弗吉尼亚港务局, and teaching hospitals such as Eastern Virginia Medical School and Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, 等.


基于其历史和固有优势, 旧道明大学战略计划:2005-2009年指导大学的方向在以前的规划期间,同时允许大学采取额外的意外机会的优势.

在过去的五年里, a complete review and revision of the University's undergraduate general 教育 program was accomplished, focusing on the targeted learning outcomes for each academic area. The University conducted a program evaluation that culminated with an indepth Academic Program Review process. Programs with waning demand and low productivity have been reduced. A number of doctoral programs have been added in high-need areas, including: Ph.D. programs in English; public administration and urban policy; health services research; 教育; criminology and criminal justice; chemistry; and professional doctorates in 护理 practice and engineering. Several of these programs offer multiple options that doctoral students may pursue. The 2008 US News and World Report guide to university graduate programs ranked 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies as a Top 100 graduate school of 教育; the College placed for the first time at #96. New bachelors programs include: Asian Studies; African American Studies; Maritime and Supply Chain Management; and, 最近, 建模与仿真. An increasing number of departments are providing the opportunity for undergraduates to write a senior honors thesis.

更好地协调学术指导, 职业生涯管理, 以及其他旨在留住学生的服务, 大学学院成立于2006年,是由多个独立的院系重组合并而成. Planning for a 学生成功中心 was completed and construction scheduled for 2009-10. 它将与佩里图书馆的一个新的学习共享中心位于同一位置,为学生提供学术支持,形成校园焦点, 包括学术建议, 测试, 辅导服务, and access to technology in support of out-of-class assignments. Online tools have been purchased to facilitate efficient and accurate advising for students. 在RESEARCH生阶段, enhancements include implementation of dissertation fellowships that include travel awards, 还有博士导师奖.

2005年至2008年, RESEARCH和教学人员的职位增加了90个,达到约720个全职职位, 其中40%是女性. 为杰出的高级教师设立了捐赠基金讲座,并增加了招募新RESEARCH人员的启动资金. 几位国家认可的教师已经被招募到多学科集群和团队在建模和仿真工作, 生物医学科学, 生物, 计算机科学. University and external awards in teaching and research excellence were emphasized and in the past five years, 11 faculty members have earned the competitive and prestigious Virginia Outstanding 教师 Award. External faculty awards also included National Academy appointments, 富布赖特奖, and Fellow status in various professional societies for mechanical engineering, 咨询, 运动机能学和体育, 电气与电子工程, 人体工程学, 工程管理, 地球科学, 人为因素, 物理, 护理, 语言和听力. Increasing faculty salaries to the 60th percentile of peers by 2007 enhanced faculty retention efforts.

在国内和国际专业组织中担任领导职务的教师人数每年都在不断增加. 在同行评审期刊上发表学院出版物, 书, 会议发言也大大增加了. 教师的文章已被著名期刊接受, 比如《bet8体育娱乐入口》和《bet8九州登录入口》, 并吸引了全国媒体的积极关注, such as the New York Times and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

The University's research profile has improved substantially by a number of measures. Overall research expenditures have nearly doubled between 2002 and 2008. ODU's ranking increased among public universities in federal source RESEARCH and Development expenditures for NASA, 能源部, 美国国立卫生RESEARCH院, 以及国家人文基金会. 多学科弗吉尼亚建模与仿真中心(VMASC)获得了大量的联邦和州资助。, 是由RESEARCH办公室管理的, 弗吉尼亚海岸能源RESEARCH联盟(VCERC), 由ODU教员领导. Individual program areas that increased their research expenditure rankings include aerospace engineering, 经济学, 教育, 电气工程, 人文学科, 数学, 海洋学, 政治科学, 社会学, 以及视觉和表演艺术. Interdisciplinary research efforts were greatly strengthened in modeling and simulation, 生物, 教师教育/K12教育, 沿海能源RESEARCH, 分子医学. Emphasis increased in the areas of alternative energy sources and health sciences research. 认识到ODU在物理方面的特殊优势, a new Center for Accelerator Science has been developed in partnership with the Jefferson Lab.

The University's economic development activities have been focused in three areas: partnership with business; workforce development; and, 区域商业吸引力, 扩张, 和创建. 大学的一些努力, 如建模与仿真技术的发展, extend across all three categories and form an important economic development platform. The University is committed to working with local companies through the Innovation RESEARCH Park (IRP), which offers tenants Class A office/wet lab/dry lab environments and easy access to ODU's research faculty. 专门挑选租户提供RESEARCH, 商业化, 以及公司和组织的翻译机会. 弗吉尼亚应用技术和专业发展中心为公司提供翻译和咨询关系,帮助他们解决业务问题. 主校区以外, ODU maintains three higher 教育 centers and the TELETECHNET distance delivery network, through which a variety of undergraduate and graduate academic programs are offered. 高等教育中心的负责人向当地企业提供培训课程和为员工定制的继续教育课程.

Dramatic growth in academic facilities has been accomplished in recent years, including: complete renovations of the Batten 艺术 and 信 and 健康 Sciences buildings; major additions to the Oceanography and Physical Sciences Building; the completion of the Engineering and Computational Sciences Building in 2004 and the Kaplan Orchid Conservatory in 2008. 通过在大学村开放创新RESEARCH园(IRP) 1号楼(2007年)和2号楼(2009年),实现了RESEARCH和商业创业空间的大幅增加. A variety of additions and new constructions were completed to support the University's growing athletics program, 包括波瓦坦体育中心, 新的福克斯-史蒂文斯室内网球中心, 安斯利足球综合大楼的建设,以及SB巴拉德体育场福尔曼球场的全面翻新,为2009年秋季ODU新君主足球赛季的开始做准备. A state-of-the-art 体育 and 娱乐 Center that includes an indoor pool, track, 攀岩墙, opened in summer 2009 adjacent to new student residence halls and the Roseann Runte Quad. 该大学的城市中心建在朴茨茅斯,毗邻切萨皮克的弗吉尼亚建模和仿真中心. 支持计算基础设施, the National Lambda rail and Hampton Roads research grids have been implemented. 其他基础设施项目包括增加几个新的停车场和雨水管理建筑.

随着大学村建设的完成, along with a major investment in residence hall accommodations (from 2,285 to 4,610张床位),位于汉普顿大道的东西两侧, the plan for the emergence of a truly residential campus has been realized. 除了新的宿舍楼, 校园区现在拥有一个全方位服务的娱乐中心, 校园新书店, 各种各样的餐馆, 戈登美术馆, and regularly scheduled events in the highly successful Ted Constant Convocation Center. Additional housing development by a private entity is anticipated in the next two years in the University Village area.

A formal 登记管理 structure was implemented in 2008, 以便在大学范围内协调招聘工作, 入学, 取向, 招生计划, 金融援助, 留校和毕业流程. 经过深入RESEARCH, the University elected to target a less aggressive enrollment growth position than in prior years. 然而, 最近英联邦和国家经济的急剧下滑鼓励了更多的学生寻求完成学位课程, 选择职业, 以及高级学位, all of which will make 招生计划 more challenging for the next few years.

从2007-08财政年度开始的一系列预算削减减少了大学运营预算的国家部分约14%, 从1.06亿美元增加到2009/10财年的9400万美元, 预计还会进一步削减. During the same period, student headcount and FTE enrollment will have increased by more than 1,200. 尽管国家资助减少了, annual tuition increases have been kept in the five to seven percent range. 2009年6月,访问委员会制定并批准了一项为期四年的财务计划,其中包括使用一次性联邦刺激资金,以允许大学单位在国家资金削减的情况下从事长期资源规划. 持续不确定的外部金融环境将为大学实现其2009-2014年计划提供最大的挑战, and the strategic planning process took this challenge into consideration.



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